Obishikokaang Sagatay Gamik (Formerly Child and Family Advocacy)

Know your Rights


About Us

Obishikokaang Sagatay Gamik is located in Lac Seul First Nation. Obishikokaang Sagatay Gamik is dedicated to supporting families that are involved with a Child Welfare Agency anywhere in Canada. Our role is to be the main contact between the First Nation and a Child Welfare agency - we are here to ensure the rights of all family members are upheld. We work in the best interest of the child and work to ensure all their needs are met in a wholistic manner.


What We Do?

  • Attend home visit with child welfare agency workers
  • Participate in all case conferences, plans of care, etc.
  • Attend all court hearings
  • Ensure that families have legal representation
  • Advocate for family's rights
  • Meet with families privately to provide support
  • Make referrals to appropriate resources, based on family needs and approval
  • Ensure families understand what they are signing


When Should You Call Us?

Call 807-582-3561

  • If a worker shows up to your house
  • If you are a family that has an open file with an agency and require support
  • If you have child/children in care

Meet the Staff

Tricia Binguis


FB messenger: cfad Tricia

Paul Littledeer

Family Advocate - On reserve

FB messenger: CFA Paul

Carrie Potan

Child and Youth Resource Advocate

FB messenger: CYRA Carrie

Contact Information


Obishikokaang Sagatay Gamik

131 Frenchman's Head Road

Lac Seul First Nation


Office: 807-582-3561

Fax: 807-582-0311

Mailing address

P.O Box 100

Hudson ON

P0V 1X0


If you are a Child Welfare/Protection Agency wanting to notify the First Nation of a referral on a member by registration or affiliation, please email referral information to