Indian Registry Administrator

The Indian Registry Administrator (IRA) reports directly to the First Nation, seeks advice from the regional office of Aboriginal Affairs & Northern Development Canada (AANDC) and reports functionally to the Indian Registrar.  The main role of the IRA is to assist the Indian Registrar in maintaining the integrity of information contained within the Indian Register and engage in activities/events to achieve those measures.

The responsibilities of an IRA, as delegated to them by the Indian Registrar include the following registration events:

Certificate of Indian Status (CIS), more commonly referred to as a Status Card, is issued under the authority of the  Indian Act and is designed to facilitate access to federal, provincial and First Nation programs and services, such as non-insured health benefits and tax exemptions.

There are two types of CIS cards, the laminated version – issued by most First Nations’ band offices throughout Canada and the new Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS), which is currently only being issued at any Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) regional office or on-line at .


CIS Eligibility and Identification Requirements

To apply for the laminated version of the Certificate of Indian Status (CIS), the individual applying must already be registered as a Status Indian as defined under section 6 of the Indian Act and must not already have applied for the new SCIS.  The individual must then complete an Application for Certificate of Indian Status form and relinquish his/her old CIS and provide the issuing officer with the necessary proof of identity documents.

All applicants must provide 2 valid pieces of acceptable Identification (1 of which must be a photo ID) or 1 piece of valid Identification and 1 Guarantor form.


***For members of other FNs, please be advised that CIS applicants will have to contact the IRA to schedule an appointment to allow for the confirmation of their Indian Registry information.


New Registrations

To access programs and services available to First Nations, such as health, dental and education, a person must be registered as an Indian in Canada. The Indian Act provides the rules that a person must follow in order to register for Indian Status. 

The decision to apply for Indian Status is voluntary – registration does not happen automatically. There are different processes for people born before and after April 17, 1985 when Bill C-31 was enacted as follows:

Required Documents

  • Application for Registration of a Minor Child under the Indian Act, requires an original birth certificate (listing the parents’ names).
  • Application for Registration of an Adult under the Indian Act, Form No. Inter 83-044E, Version 2012-04-01

The following Indian Registration forms are applicable for Bill C-3 Applicants only, applicants will need to complete and submit both forms.

  •  Amendments - Gender Equity in Indian Registration Act Application for Registration and Secure Certificate of Indian Status, Form No. Inter 83-114E, Version 2011-01-31


Registration and Secure Certificate of Indian Status (in-Canada SCIS) Guarantor Declaration, Form No. Inter 83-120E, Version 2011-01-31

CIS (Status card) Application


Office Hours: Monday- Friday 8:30am-4:30pm

Appointments Required

Phone: 807-582-3503

Jada Angeconebjadaangeconeb@lacseulfn.org1011
Janet Quoquatjanetquoquat@lacseulfn.org1019